Tag Archives: KublaCon

Summer 2012

Loyal Fans and Internet Wanderers,

We have been neglecting this for too long, so I am going to give a quick update about what we’ve been up to the past few months.  Pizza Theory is in print, and we have been promoting it.

We had a meet-the-designers day at Gamescape North in April and another at Endgame in Oakland in May. It’s always fun to play Pizza Theory with strangers, and watch them as they “get it.” Also, we have some pretty awesome game stores in the Bay Area, that really care about supporting their community. Thanks to both stores for hosting us!

We went to Conquest Sac in Sacramento from March 16-18, 2012. This was special, because we got our first dealer’s table to sell copies of Pizza Theory. It was a little different than just meeting people in the open gaming area, because you feel like you have to pitch the game.  But once we got into it, we learned that all you have to do is teach the game, and let people play it, and the game can be it’s own sales pitch. Conquest Sac is a little smaller than some of the Bay Area conventions, but the games and the staff are both great.

We were at KublaCon over Memorial Day weekend, during May 25-28, 2012. We again had a dealer’s table to sell Pizza Theory. The highlight of the convention was our 2nd official Pizza Theory Tounament, which drew 26 participants! Getting to participate in the designer’s competition was fun, too. Being on the other side of the table made me feel a little trapped at first, but it let us meet a lot of cool people like the staff and other dealers and panelists that we wouldn’t get to hang out with normally.  It was worth getting the table just for that, though getting Pizza Theory into more hands is a worthy cause too.

We attended PolyCon from June 22-24, 2012.  We decided to take a break from selling Pizza Theory, and just hung out with all of our friends in San Luis Obispo, and played some games. It’s always fun to see what Tom Jolly is up to, and we got to play a prototype of his dexterity asteroid mining game, which is so fun and simple, you wonder why no one has made it already.

Next up, we’re heading to Pacificon.


May 27-30, 2011

Burlingame, CA

We are heading down to KublaCon this weekend!  It’s the biggest board game convention in northern California.  We will be demoing Empower and our fancy new prototypes of Pizza Theory.  We will try to post some pictures of them after the con.  Greg met some other game designers there last year, so hopefully we can share some ideas with them and come away with more inspiration.

We had wanted to get our next design up to playable prototype status by KublaCon, but a new job and other distractions put that on hold.  Hopefully we will have something new by Polycon later next month.

I haven’t had much time to sit down and play some long board games lately, so I’m looking forward to a whole weekend of nothing but that!